Friday, April 4, 2008

I'm so proud of myself!

Okay, as most of you know, my computer skills leave a little something to be desired, so when I was finally able to figure out how to download a new template, I was sooo excited! See you CAN teach an old dog new tricks! Not that I'll ever be able to do it again, but once is better than never.
Britt is always trying to get me to post new "stuff", but frankly my life is just not as exciting as hers! I mean tornados every week or so, I just can't compete with that!
I have joined Creative Memories, as a consultant, not that I'll ever sell anything, but I am learning all about digital scrapbooking and that is a lot of fun. I'm already spending more time on the computer than I should be. It took me two days to get three loads of laundry done!