Thursday, March 27, 2008

1. What are your full names? Jerry Rulon and Gina Bell Pace
2. How long have you been married? 31 yrs
3. How long did you date? 6 months
4. How old are you both? 53 and 52 respectively
5. Who eats more? He does
6. Who said I love you first? He did, I think!
7. Who is smarter? Jerry
8. Whose temper is worse? Mine
9. Who does the laundry? We both do, he starts the laundry and I finish it.
10. Who does the dishes? We both do, but now the kids are helping.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do.
12. Who pays the bills? He does, I try to stay away from those unpleasantries!
13. Who cooks dinner? Ha! He does.
14. Who drives when you are together? He does, but once in a while I do.
15. Who is more stubborn? I think we are equal on that, but most people will think its me.
16. Whose family do you see the most? Definately mine.
17. Who proposed? He did.
18. Who has more friends? I'd have to say me.
19. Who has more siblings? Me
20. Who wears the pants in the family? It depends on the day and the issue.


Becki Madsen said...


I need your and Brittany's (and anyone else that might want to view our blog) email address. I need to put a invited readers only on my account, I have had some weird comments from strangers so Jason and I wanted to make sure our kids are safe!


pacemaker said...
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