Thursday, March 19, 2009


I can't wait for Spring! !
I love sewing and creating things and I'm completely addicted to shopping!! I hate cooking, my husband does most of the cooking, with the exception of Suzy who know does quite a bit of it and I love it!! I love planting flowers! I hate playing games with the kids, I know that sounds mean, but I have never really loved playing board games. Basketball, yes, but don't make me sit down and play a game at the table. Boring!
I really like sleeping and love to go back to bed after the kids go to school!
I want to go shopping everyday and sometimes I do! Lots of times, I buy one thing just to buy something, I know this is pathetic, but this is an honesty post, so here we are! I love marshmellow peeps and will eat a whole package! I also love to go to Chuck a Rama, mostly just to eat their scones and bread pudding. I love that stuff!! I have an amazing husband who has put up with my shopping for 32 years and NEVER complains about it. His attitude is "If it makes you happy, I'm fine with it". He probably is enabling my habit, but I love him for it!! I am so happy to be a stay at home Mom, I would hate to have to clock in everyday and answer to someone telling me what to do all the time. I Tag anyone who is ready to be honest! :)


Zelia said...

Morning from South Africa
I find myself in a similar boat with a wonderful husband. Why the name 'Pacemaker'? My son had a dual-chamber pacemaker implant last year April (sick sinus syndrome- bradycardia) He was only 21 years... Battling to cope, it's nearly a year now...

Adam said...

Wow, Africa, huh? You've got quite the following!
I don't mind board games, but I hate candyland. I don't care if it is for little kids, there is absolutely no skill. I'd rather play memory. Probably because I always win that game, so that's natural.

gigi said...

Being honest now and then throws us into a new perspective. I enjoyed the pictures. Weren't you afraid you would be swept away by a wave? Lookin' good. Love, Mom