Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I'm grateful!

So, there you have it! I've been busy, so my blog has not been updated. I'll try to be more diligent in that. I love my family, my husband, children and grandchildren, yep all of them! My Mom and Dad, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, cousins and friends.
My favorite thing is doing something for them, trying to make their lives a little more pleasant.
Buying clothes, making things and just listening to their sweet little voices gives me such pleasure.
Sometimes they go through some pretty hard times, (all of them), I struggle to try and fix it, cause after all I'm a Mom and Mom's make things all better! But, also I realize they have to go through their trials as a learning experience for them. It seems like right now, there is much learning to do.
I have been incredibly blessed in my life to have people around me constantly, now don't get me wrong, sometimes I like alone time, even though it doesn't come very often. I tell people that the Lord doesn't want me to be alone, so I'm not!
My husband is my best friend and even though we don't get much time with just each other, we know that we are a forever family and there will be that time later in life. (I think so anyway)
He always makes sure everyone has what they want and need and I have yet to hear him tell anyone NO for anything!
I truly have so much to be thankful for, friends that have stood by me, listened to me and loved me despite my complaining. Forever friends, those I can talk to for hours, some that have been there for 35 years and then some! What more can a person ask for?
Thank you to all who love me and are there for me.